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Looking east from entry walk--9276-A negative.jpg

We are open for tours!

Guided house tours are offered at $20 per person on a regular schedule:

Wednesdays at 1 pm

Fridays at 11 am

1st and 2nd Saturday of each month at 11 am & 1 pm

Private guided tours by appointment are also available. A $100 minimum fee covers the first two guests, then $35 per person thereafter - please contact us for details.

Guests will be led through the House & Studio by an expert docent and learn about the history of the property, Modernist architect Paul Schweikher and the home’s second/residents, the Langsdorf family.

Tours run approximately 60-75 minutes. The vast majority of the tour is on one level; there is an optional room only accessible by stairs. Please contact us 48 hours in advance to make reasonable accommodations for guests with accessibility requests. Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled tour.

Visitors are asked to remove shoes or wear shoe coverings (provided on-site) during the tour. Photography is allowed and encouraged. There is a restroom available.

We also offer open grounds free to the public every Wednesday, Friday and the first and second Saturday of the month from 10 am - 2 pm.

Visitors can access the property, park, walk the grounds, enjoy a picnic lunch, sketch, or take photos. Don’t forget to tag us @schweikherhouse or #schweikherhouse when you post to social media. Schweikher House is a non-smoking property and although we love dogs, they are not permitted on the property.


Directions + Parking

The entrance to the Schweikher House is a long gravel dri­ve­way along the east side of Meacham Road. The dri­ve­way can be spot­ted by our bright white mail­box next to the gap in the guardrail.

If using gps to navigate, we suggest you either type “Schweikher House Preservation Trust” in your search box or omit South from the physical address.



from o’hare/chicago via i-90:

From O'Hare Airport, merge onto I-190 East.  Take the exit toward Bessie Coleman Dr. Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Bessie Coleman Dr. Use the right lane to take the Interstate 190 ramp to Interstate 90/Chicago/Interstate 294.  Take I-90 W and I-290 E to IL-53 S/Biesterfield Rd in Elk Grove Township. Take exit 4 from I-290 E. Merge onto I-190 E. Take exit 1C for I-90 W/Tollway toward Rockford Toll road. Merge onto I-90 W Toll road. Use the right 2 lanes to take the W Suburbs exit Partial toll road. Use the left 3 lanes to take exit 1B-1A toward IL72/Higgins Rd. Merge onto I-290 E. Use the right lane to take exit 4 for IL-53 S/Biestereld Rd Follow Biesterfield Rd to Meacham Rd in Schaumburg Township. Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto IL-53 S/Biestereld Rd. Continue straight onto Biestereld Rd. Turn right onto Meacham Rd. 645 South Meacham Road is on the right.

from chicago/west sub­urbs via i-290 (or i-355):

From Chicago take I-290 W. Head south on S Federal St toward W Van Buren St. Turn right onto W Congress Pkwy. Follow I-290 W to Meacham Rd. Take exit 11 from Illinois Rte 390. Continue onto I-290 W/W Congress Pkwy (signs for I-90). Use the left 2 lanes to turn slightly left to stay on I290 W. Keep right at the fork to stay on I-290 W, follow signs for I-294 Tollway N/Milwaukee/Rockford. Keep left to stay on I-290 W. Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 5 for Illinois Rte 390 W Partial toll road. Continue onto Illinois Rte 390 Toll road. Take exit 11 for Meacham Rd toward Medinah Rd Partial toll road. Turn right onto Meacham Rd. 645 South Meacham Road is on the right.

hig­gins road (illi­nois route 72 — east bound):

Take Hig­gins Road East to Meacham Road. Turn right (South) on Meacham Road; go past the Schaum­burg Road inter­sec­tion. 645 South Meacham Road is on the left.

hig­gins rd. (illi­nois route 72 — west bound):

Take Hig­gins Road West to Meacham Road. Turn left (South) on Meacham Road; go past the Schaum­burg Road inter­sec­tion. 645 South Meacham Road is on the left.

roselle rd. (north bound):

Take Roselle Road North to Nerge Road. Turn right on Nerge Road to Meacham Road. Turn left (North) on Meacham Road; go past the Biester­field Road inter­sec­tion. 645 South Meacham Road is on the right.

roselle rd. (south bound):

Take Roselle Road South to Schaum­burg Road. Turn left on Schaum­burg Road to Meacham Road. Turn right (South) on Meacham Road. 645 South Meacham Road is on the left.


At the end of the dri­ve­way, there is a small area of park­ing in the court­yard between the garage and house. If the court­yard park­ing area is full, cars may also park along the north side of the dri­ve­way along the grassed shoul­der, fac­ing out toward Meacham Road. Please pull far enough off the drive on to the grassed shoul­der to allow cars to pass. Please turn around in the court­yard; no U-turns are allowed along the length of the driveway.

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